Go to our blog page to see Ricky and Annie featured in the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine Magazine.

Tickets for all of our events can be purchased soon – stay tuned


Tickets for all of our events can be purchased soon – stay tuned *

Our first event this year, the Syracuse Dinner/Comedy Show, was a HUGE success!

Our kids soccer clinic was very successful as 75 young athletes joined us for a fun day of skills.

The 28th Annual Golf Tournament was once again a successful, fun filled day with 50 teams.

Dinner/Comedy Show at Batavia Downs was another fun event and as we hosted almost 275 guests, with comedians Nick Marra, Tim Meier and Dan Viola.

Please feel free to browse through our site to see what your donations have allowed us to accomplish.

Ricky Palermo Foundation

2024 Updates

We partner with businesses and organizations in our local community to host non profit events.

Your participation and donations fund spinal cord research.

That research directly affects the lives of those with spinal cord injuries.

Our mission is to raise funds and awareness for spinal cord injury research. In 28 years, we have raised and donated $2,000,000 million to our community and to research at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. 

$1,285,000 to The Miami Project

Over $215,000 to our local Batavia Hospital

Over $220,000 to our FES bike program at the local Batavia YMCA

Approximately $52,000 to the spinal wing at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY

We are so proud of what we have accomplished so far and won’t give up until we have a cure!



Founding Story

Over forty years ago, life as he knew it changed when Ricky Palermo was involved in an automobile accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Since then, with help from a close knit community of family and friends, Ricky has dedicated his life to the foundation that bears his name and finding a cure for spinal cord injuries.


We couldn’t do it without YOU

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the help we receive from our friends, family, and volunteers.

Meet the team

A special thanks to our partners otherwise known as our “team” in our local community, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, and The Buoniconti Fund.